
  1. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Well shit
  2. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    I really hate being genderfluid cause its back and forth shit like this
  3. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Gender dysphoria test: Slight Indication of Gender Dysphoria SLIGHT INDICATION OF GENDER DYSPHORIA 😂😂😂😂 no okei mut se on siks ku mul on tää genderfluid taipumus ja vastasin että oon vuoden aikana usein ollu tyytyväinen mun syntymäsukupuoleen. Niinhän mä olinkin! Ja about yhtä usein...
  4. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Me anytime i remember I'm female:
  5. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Seriously Every time i wear something feminine i feel like im in drag or something I'm just not feminine so..... It's pointless to pretend.
  6. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    But thats not me
  7. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    THATS why its humiliating If i was actually a feminine woman. It wouldn't be humiliating.
  8. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    I feel like a fucking clown for having this stuff that doesn't seem to belong to me 🤡
  9. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    A masculine woman A feminine man Is it really a wonder that both can have a conflict with their gender? A feminine man hating his manhood and a masculine woman hating her womanhood. It does make sense, really.
  10. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    When what you actually are is masculine but.......... It just doesn't match It's so ridiculous that im so butch and i actually have the most feminine body shape there is (not straight but curvy) No wonder i have a conflict
  11. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Its humiliating
  12. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    So difficult
  13. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    They don't match im here like "bruh" and have a feminine body part like a vagina... Aint no way......
  14. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    And by feminine stuff i mean vagina
  15. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    They don't fucking match Cause im gnc it just doesn't match this feminine stuff
  16. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    My god this is such bs
  17. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Time-lehden artikkelissa kirjoitettiin jo vuosia sitten, että on syntynyt uusi naistyyppi muiden joukkoon. Uusi naisen malli ei tee lapsia, mutta tuntee elämänsä siitä huolimatta täyteläiseksi. Kulttuuri on muuttunut. Nainen – ja mies – voi itse valita yhä laajemmin, kuinka elää. Mielenkiintoista
  18. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    See because i hate living as a female I absolutely hate and despise it. But I dont want to be male either. It doesn't feel right. If i had an actual beard i think id feel embarrassed or something? So apparently that's not right either. So gender neutral. But see, that is not possible. No...
  19. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    I think I just had a similar feeling about having a beard than woman things Not what i have, that doesn't bother me i think But an actual beard Oh so... What does that mean?????? Maybe I dont want to be male either? Maybe i dont want to be female or male? Maybe i just want to be a neutral...
  20. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    OR DO I
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