
  1. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Whatever I dont care about anything Im way beyond caring about anything im just depressed and want to die
  2. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    So i guess ill have to start referring to myself as a trans man or something 🤦🏻
  3. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Every time girls say they are girls It sounds automatically like they are proud of it But if its a trans man When he says hes a trans man then he of course doesn't sound proud about being female
  4. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    By the way I think its because i dont want to sound proud about being a girl If i said that im a girl It sounds like i want to be a girl But if i say im a boy trapped in a girls body It sounds like im not proud, its just that... It went wrong.
  5. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Because if i think about myself as a boy trapped in a girls body i feel better.
  6. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    I just don't want to think about it
  7. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Its so true
  8. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Interesting by the way. The saying "boy trapped in a girls body" really sounds accurate or just Trapped in a girls body. Cause its a girls body, yet i dont want to claim it and i dont want it to be me.
  9. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    But i dont know but anyways
  10. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    It tells you how you should behave and think and feel
  11. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    About your body
  12. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    And your ocd things
  13. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Like whatever happens you always have to follow your brain
  14. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Your brain tells you to be not satisfied
  15. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Like your brain tells you to waste your time and you do Your brain tells you to be unhappy with your body and you need to be unhappy.
  16. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    I dont know
  17. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Isnt it weird how you have to do everything like ur brain tells you to? Like ur brain just controls everything. Ur brain tells you to do something and you do, even if it makes no sense.
  18. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    En tiedä yhtään mitä mun pitää tehdä mutta ei mua kyllä edes haittaa.
  19. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    Mä yritän ratkasta kaiken odottamalla Koska tiedän et se ratkasee kaiken. Muuta keinoa ei ole. Valitettavasti. Mutta edes se
  20. qualitymonkey

    Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana

    I just don't know Just feels so much easier thinking of myself as a trans guy pre t. Just thinking. Doesn't mean i necessarily am but as a coping mechanism. Just thinking about it that way.
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