"oh, chubby girls love sucking dick!"
Yes, youre right, my guy. Every chubby girl in the world loves sucking dick. Yes. Every single chubby girl likes it and fantasizes about it.
"They crave to swallow the cum"
Yes, thats what every chubby girl also wants. Every single one.
"They are wild in bed and they like sex"
Yes, of course, my dude, of course.
No, chubby girls cant be FOR EXAMPLE repulsed by sex or asexual. No, we cant. OH! apparently i am not repulsed by sex. Ever. Of course not. No. Im a slut 24/7 who only thinks about sex and wants to suck any guys dick all day. Thats what i am. I am not a human, im just a whore to you. Of course.
Well, god damn it.
Tosin on laihatkin tytöt vain huoria miesten silmissä että se siitä, mut kuiteski. Kaikki tytöt on huoria miehille joten thats how it is.