I have never, not once in my life, orgasmed using my hands. Not once. And i think i never will. But its not a problem. Its just that i cant use my pillows/blankets/clothes cause i dont want to get them dirty ever again i just changed my bed sheets and i tell you i will NEVER do that stressful shit again
It drives my ocd crazy so NO
not anymore im not doing it, its driving me crazy if i do
I dont want to get anything dirty anymore
Although clothes..... Because id wash them more often...... Mut jotenkin en silti viitsi en tiedä miksi
Kai alan vainoharhailee et mitä jos se ei sittenkään lähde puhtaaks
Joten eeeei
Ainut mikä on jo muutenkin dirty on tietty my panties because, well, how could they NOT have all that vaginal stuff on them anyway. Of course THEY are dirty, joten ehkä se ei sit haittais koska ne on joka tapauksessa dirty mut um i cant use them they are too small :D jokin t-paita ois siihen tarkoitukseen ehk hyvä koska sen saa sillee kätevästi siihen ja se on tarpeeksi iso mutta luuletko et haluun liata mun t-paidan varsinkin kun vainoharhailen et jos se ei enää lähdekään siitä
Ei sillä, oon käyttänyt ennenkin housuja tai paitaa ja kyllä mä nyt luulen että ne on puhtaaksi lähtenyt mut silti. My ocd drives me crazy, so no i dont think i want to do that.
I cant masturbate lol.
Mut ei se haittaa.
And you know what? Masturbating isnt that great anyways. I feel like its too hyped. Its not even that great. Se on vaa sellane et jos on kauheen sellanen olo et im going crazy i need to do it but like seriously the pleasure isnt that great
I feel like it would be 10 times more pleasurable with eunkwang just because of the fact that it mentally does the trick
It already felt much better when i was thinking about him and using my hands, still wasnt the best but there was a difference idk he literally has that magic that makes me WANT. nothing else turns me on that way. only certain people. Koko fiilis muutenkin lähti alunperinkin nyt siitä kun ajattelin eunkwangia. Ei mua panettanu ollenkaan mut jostain syystä aloin taas ajatella eunkwangia ja jonkin ajan päästä olin et mmmh 🥴 et kiitos tästä. Its just usually those certain people that do the trick. Eunkwang. He does that to me. Masatoshi. He does that to me. Mostly its just that. Thinking about other people is more rare i guess. Its usually those two who are making my life difficult 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭 lets not forget the time when i listened to porn because of masatoshi and lets not forget the time when i watched some sex scenes because of eunkwang. Ye. He was driving me crazy. Like about a year ago. Tai jotain sinnepäin.
Like those two are like some kind of devils fr
Like they are the WORST if we think about actual sexual feelings
Just eunkwang and masatoshi
Yall made it difficult................
If i ever end up dating them (i wont) then imma be like you fucking bitch you had the AUDACITY to do that to me 😂😂😂😂😂😂 this torture fr
Ah they are so cute 💕🩷
Seriously the AUDACITY