I fucking hate fatphobia
Like i hate fatphobia towards ANY FAT PEOPLE
i hate fatphobia towards small fat people and i hate fatphobia towards big fat people. Comments like "you ate yourself to disability" (might be true but i still dont see it as a bad thing, its their own choice and im not going to criticize) or "they were able to lose weight, WHY CANT YOU?" ummmmmmm because not everyone fucking wants to? Leave us alone.
But then..... Also some bigger fat people arent good allies to us smaller fat people. So i hate that too. And yes, allies, because we are fat as much as anyone else is, even if smaller.
And its difficult cause i fucking hate fatphobia but i also dont like this fat acceptance thing generally because they all basically dont welcome us smaller fat people PLUS they want us to basically cater to their every need. Like no. This is imo about all fat people and not only about the "superfats". Like why cant we just talk about all fatness as a whole? We dont have to acknowledge the levels much because YES. society hates ALL OF US. if youre even A LITTLE BIT FAT. society hates you. And ESPECIALLY in places like japan and south korea and probably other places in asia. Like even SMALLER THAN ME fats/chubbies are hated. Easily. We all know that. Im even normal weight but yea, even smaller than me fats exist and they are also hated. We all struggle. I hate the larger fats for being so fucking narcissistic that yall cant see that everyone whos fat, even a little bit fat, suffers because of fatphobia.
Tbh id even include chubbiness level of chubby people, which is thinner than me.
Id even include them because they are still quite clearly chubby, just a bit. And yes, those people can also suffer. Chubby is always chubby. It starts somewhere, and basically it starts somewhere here sort of:
I know it looks thin but it is actually a LITTLE chubby. Way less than me for example. So their bmi is probably less than mine. Laskin et yhen noist pitäs olla joku 23.7. joten joo. Kun mun on 24.9.
Eli niinku se chubbiness alkaa jostain ja kyl toi on chubby. Mut toi on periaatteessa vasta se mistä se alkaa. Mut on mun mielestä väärin ettei sitä nähä osana sitä janaa, ihan periaatteesta se on väärin. Koska se teknisesti ottaen on sitä. Its the earliest stage of fatness. It is part of the fatness spectrum.
At the same time its sort of thin so like basically its the point where thinness transforms into chubbiness. A little thinner and that would just be... Thin.
You gotta be delusional if u dont see it.
Now i feel horrible again :/ like is it okay to be at THIS POINT of fatness. Where I am.
It must be okay because i am.
I know im smaller fat but that doesnt mean im not fat at all.
Fr those people should see me naked literally its so easy to see that im sort of fat.
Its a thing.
Ei oo niin että on olemassa vain oikeat lihavat ja sit me ei olla yhtään läskejä.
Tiedän, se on semmosta että ollaan semmosia väliinputoajia mutta kyllä mä silti läski olen. Just really small one. The whole fatness thing is still clearly present in our lives.
Like _i_ fucking exist too.
Or am i just..... Non-existent to everybody?????? Feels like it lol.
Im literally nowhere. No one sees me, us. Its like im invisible. I cant even imagine myself in a relationship cause im too fat and i cant see anyone being attracted to that.
But im too thin to be visible in fat acceptance movement either.
Oon ei-minkään kokoinen. Literally its like i dont exist at all