Ei mut oikeesti, jos eunkwang vaa sanois ihan yksinkertaisesti vaa et i need to pee, ei mitää sen kummempaa, ni jo se on mulle silleen.... Emt, oon vaa sillee "nice" 😩😩😩😩😂😂😂😂
I dont think he has ever talked about peeing? I definitely dont remember
Siin on ehk jokin kontrasti koska jokin mikä ei normaalisti oo ollenkaan hot vaan ihan tavallinen asia mulle mut sit jotenkin with him it becomes sexy?? Tai jotenkin silleen.
"This simultaneous fear and fascination continued up until I was 12, when I was lying in bed imagining it and I actually had an orgasm. Slowly I realized my fascination was sexual attraction to it. Now I'm in high school, and I'm still sexually attracted to it and absolutely terrified of it. It's especially bad concerning my boyfriend; I'll cry if he talks about himself throwing up. Does anyone else have experiences like this, or know of a correlation between emetophilia and emetophobia?"