NO EI?????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 how will i even begin to explain this????????????????????? ÄLÄKÄ EES VITTU ALOTA 😭😭😭😭😭 you fucking bitch(es)
???????????? VITTU????????? XD
oli niiiiin niiiiin slutty uni kyl et.... But hey i'm a slut idc 😎
Ok there was: yuto, hui and eunkwang. (Shocking)
Apparently i kissed them all. I think first i just kissed hui and eunkwang xdd like i just..... Tai ainakin muistan olleeni niiden lähellä? En muista kumpi ensin. Voi olla että it happened multiple times also. Mut kuitenkin muistan sen kuinka ihanaa oli olla huin lähellä, maybe we kissed but at least we were close right? Stop it it was the best. Sit eunkwang yes i remember because he was literally so cute and i remember i didn't want to choose any of them, meaning, i wanted them all :D niin siis siin saatto olla joku sellane et "lmao choose one and say goodbye to the other ones" xddddddd and i was like dying because i just COULDNT fucking choose there was no way. Joka kerta ku olin kenenkään niist lähel olin vaa sillee i cant i cant i love you too much. Like damn son it was horrible??????????
No anyways, hui ja eunkwang oli jo liian ihania mut muistan sit ehk viel pahemminkin sen yuto kohdan koska muistan kuinka se kosketti mua ja suudeltii ja siis se teki kaikkee sellast mist menin ihan sekasin i dont know if i was just moaning or stuff. I think i kissed his bare chest and he touched me just the right way ja olin vaa nii mesmerized his presence was like what the fuck im gonna die and feeling his touch literally i just and i think i might have been able to smell his sweat a little bit or something and it was all so very very heavenly. Everything he did was perfect. Everything that happened was perfect. I loved it. I love him. It was all so.... 😭 I really felt like i could die when i woke up lmao. And it was like lmaooooo nothing is reaaalllllll
Mut joo jokainen noista kolmesta oli niin siis kaikil meni ihan yli mun aivot oli vaa sillee seis. Ainii sit muistan ku yuto oli jossai vaihees jotai sillee "nooohh?" (Yea maybe he was speaking finnish??? XD) niiku sillee tyylillä "😏 dont you wanna choose me"
Idk i was dead and done bc literally i didnt want to get away from him everything he did felt so good just being close to him felt so good and now i'm fucked cause it was a dream and i feel like i could just basically die?????? :D
Mut joo aika slutty uni. 😂😂😂
Ei vittu.
There goes my innocence and there goes my "oh havent thought about yuto and hui in a sexual way for a long time" mantra.
Miks mul on tarpeita mut näköjään noit kolmee, KOLMEE, kohtaan??????????
Voi vittu.
I even started to imagine some smut fic level shit 😂😂 idk i usually don't fantasize about FOURSOME but that was a nice thought: me, hui, yuto and eunkwang 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😂 and it didn't even feel horrible i didn't feel guilty? Olin vaa sillee "tää tuntuu nii luonnolliselt lol"??????
LMAOOOOOOO WHAT 😂😂😂😂😂 nope i really dont feel guilty about those fantasies right now it feels like the most natural thing ever.
Nope but really the way they touched me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Lmaoooooo noooooooooo
Imagine me just making out with yuto and eunkwang and hui just watching there like bro this is a normal day 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Holy shit 😂😂😂😂😂
Voi vittu oikeesti 😂😂😂😂 ei kyl mä silti kysyn et mikä mun aivoja vaivaaaaa
No jooh
Imagine.............................. 💀
Imagine me being with one of them and the other ones watching and everyones dicks would be hard 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶 lmao imagine me being with eunkwang and then hui and yuto being like "hyung i wanna fuck her too" 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
I aint ever recovering from this 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
I think i'm dead lmao
LMAOOOOOOO imagine if they also felt sexual feelings towards each other 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 ok why these fantasies why do i have to experience this whyyy
But in a way that would be kinda sexy if those two bitches would be like "oh eunkwang is actually kinda sexy" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'M KILLING MYSELF 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 i can't i can't
I dont- 💀💀
Why is it SEXY????? :D wouldnt i be more like jealous? Well maybe i wouldnt if they were also attracted to me so who cares if they also feel sexual shit towards each other HELPP IDK????
Uuh yummy.... Iguess then😶😶😶😶😶
MITÄ VITTUA oikeesti 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 nevermind tää on ihan perseestä koko setti 😂😂😂😂😂
Juuri ennen kun nukuin niin olin aatellu sillee "MUT MÄ EN OO IKINÄ KOKENU MITÄÄN VASTAAVAA KU TÄÄ EUNKWANG KEISSI" no ehkä et mut eipä unohdeta silti näköjään noita.
Miks se on aina noi kolme??????? Oikeesti let me breathe?????¿?????
Niiku en saa ees hengittää rauhassa :DDDDDDDDDDD
NEVERMIND i'm forgetting this shit
Mut se uni oli niin ihana eikä se ollut ees tavallaan niin dirty ku nää kuvitelmat :D siis olihan se aika "😋😋😋😋😋😋" ainaski se sessio yuton kaa mut it was just more like kissing and touching and maybe licking (not licking genitals or anything but just like skin or u know) et ei siinä kyllä ollu mitään sen kummempaa. Mut ei tarvinu ollakaan because that was heavenly and i felt horny because he kept teasing me like that. Olin vaa iha sillee "oh yuto 😩" well yea i was even moaning into the kiss or something. It all was so so so so so nice.
Ääääääääääääh but all of them were too lovely cause i felt like i cant choose.
Oh my god touching him like touching his bare chest, kissing his bare chest, it was fucking awesome i tell you that i don't want to even live 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 stop it........ His deep voice.........
But i felt like hui was so soft it was amazing
A m a z i n g
Literally so cute
And eunkwang was so cuteee oh my babyyyyyyy he was literally so cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaa it was so lovely to be close to him 😭 i want to feel that all again in a dream (or in reality 😏💀) but i guess i wont...... For a while? Idk??
Ku en ees tienny et oon viel NÄIN kiinni huissa ja yutossa. Tiesin et oon näin kiinni eunkwangissa mut et huissa ja yutossakin.
Ups tää viesti on kyl niin filthy
AH BUT imagine like i don't even get it but yuto was so masculine kinda when he touched me he like.... Felt kinda dominant like i think he touched my stomach or something and my shoulders maybe and i think he turned me around or something. Niiku et en tiiä olinko niinku kasvot poispäin siitä sit se kai vaa jotenki kääns mut tai jtn, it felt so gentle but not too much, also firm and sexy 😶😶😶😶 yeah he knew what he was doing 😐😐😐😐😐
Okay why
Also i laughed cause if i had to choose one and they would compete lmao
Then yuto could be like "lmao te kaks ootte liian vanhoi i'm the same age as her at least" 😭😂 like at least he could be like that as a joke
But then eunkwang could be like "nah she likes the age gap, right ? 😏" And then id be like "😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 give it to me pls stop teasing" 💀💀💀💀💀
Tosiaan yks kysymys: why does that turn me on even though its just 8 years......... Not even that much but ohhhhh 😩🤤 sexy??¿¿?
Emt huinki kaa 5 vuotta mut honestly thats not big enough to be sexy in the same way. So theres not that same element tosin se ei tarkota etten kävisi (näköjään) kuumana siihenki. Joten ei se siitä oo mut se on vaaa sellai ..... Ehh.. kiihottava elementti siinä 💀💀 en tiedä missä se raja sit menee jos 5 vuotta ei vielä oo niin iso mut 8 vuotta on jo sen verran kuitenkin oh yes XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
imma just say send help :'))))))
Honestly imma just say uuh😏😏 daddy 😛😛🤭 as a joke................ Because you know it is a joke but anywayssss
Oh no en voi unohtaa sitä kommenttia: "daddy judge me too" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 siis muistaakseni se oli tollee 😂😂😂😂😂 ei vittu oikeesti mooood 🤦🏻♀️
Nooooooooooo please be dominant towards me 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 please 🥺 i'll be a good girl 😍 ...................... SLAP ME 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶
oh no no no muistinko just jonki toisenkin kommentin apua venaa
Olikse ees eunkwangist? Eiku joo jos en ihan väärin muista nii... Se saatto olla paul McCartneysta
Wait a minute omg
I think i'm done at this point-
Mut joo no siis.... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Mitä vittua 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Paul McCartneysta tuli mieleen (you know, koska taisi olla samoihin aikoihin) että katoin dope mv pitkästä aikaa ja oli kyllä mielenkiintoinen kokemus......... Sieltä tähän....... Niiku oikeesti
Toiset pari sellasta kappaletta on tietysti ko ko bop ja call me baby. 🙃
Olin ihan vitu ulapalla sillon viel
No ei tästä sen enempää sitten kuitenkaa..................
Sanotaan nyt vaikka niin että tunteet on taas vittu mitä on,,,,,,,,,,