I know it sounds like its a slim chance that he would be my soulmate but is it that slim really
And even if he isnt maybe i'll see him anyway koska Matt sanoi jotain sellasta just et you will see celebrities in heaven cause it's one place so idk
But if it's all bullshit then idk then i'll just never meet him
But heaven cant be bullshit tho
Theres no way all of that evidence is out there and yet somehow it's still bullshit
And it's not only Matt
Even hospice nurse julie thinks theres an afterlife lol because of her experience(s?)
So all of that evidence which seems to point in that direction
And then you're like how could it be bullshit 🤷
But like i dont care about evidence anyway at the end of the day
I literally have that hope regardless and i still believe in god so
Scientists can say all they want but i do believe in heaven, god, etc
Although i believe what matt says, that you dont even have to believe in god when youre alive, to get to heaven. That most people go to heaven anyway.
And yea like Matt says it doesnt matter if you're lgbt you still make it to heaven
Thats what i do believe
Ja niiku i don't care what anyone says nut thats what i believe and i'm gonna live my life believing that
And i'm gonna live my life having that hope that one day i WILL meet eunkwang anyway. It's too beautiful as a thought. To think like "one day 😍"
Like any time it feels difficult to be away from him, theres still that hope that one day. I'm still gonna hope and believe, no matter what people say.
And i'm still gonna believe he's my man at the end of the day, but of course i still don't know for sure but, yeah. Maybe. And if not, then not. Everything will be ok anyways.
It's just hard to describe what that song means to me lmaoooo cause for me it isnt about a loved one passing away it's something much weirder.
Yet its such a natural thought process to me
Cause when i listened to it back then i immediately like thought about him
And i remember how i missed him that day, i think i cried and it just felt so impossible that i could be with him ever and then i just thought about stuff and yea and thought that maybe in heaven i can see him
Äh theres so many songs help