Mielenterveys Riitta Hanhi vissiin sit kärsii erotomaniasta? :Dd



(de Clérambault’s syndrome)​

It feels great to be loved. The only issue is that many of us do not get that feeling every single day of our lives — perhaps our partners are not as passionate about us anymore, or maybe we are single and lonely.

It’s not unusual to crave love and attention, but people with erotomania take it to the whole new level: They believe that there is that one special person who is deeply in love with them.

To make things even more attractive, that special person often happens to be a celebrity or someone with a much higher status than the sufferer.

Supposedly, they confess their love via telepathic messages, special glances, and secret messages through the media.

If someone with erotomania decides that you are their secret admirer, it is pointless to deny your “feelings” — they won’t believe you. Instead, they will decide that you are trying to hide your true feelings from the world.

Another thing to be prepared for is that they will want to reciprocate: Expect phone calls, text messages, midnight visits, anything to keep “your love” alive.

Even more disturbingly, they might intentionally put you in danger so that they can offer you a rescue.

This obsession with you may last very long, much longer than a “regular” love.

Madonna’s stalker’s delusion (he believed that Madonna was meant to be his wife) was still alive and kicking even after serving ten years in prison.

Margaret Mary Ray stalked David Letterman for over ten years before shifting her attention to Story Musgrave. About ten percent of stalkers suffer from erotomania, and most of them are aggressive.

(Lähde: https://psychologia.co/psychological-love-disorders/)
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