Why do i need to get thin to be beautiful?
Why do i need to get plastic surgery to be beautiful?
Why do i need to get rid of acne to be beautiful?
Why do i need to do anything to be beautiful?
Why am i not beautiful now?
Well, lets be honest, im not beautiful in my opinion.
In MY OPINION, im not beautiful.
Like thats a fact, its my opinion, you cant tell me otherwise.
But do i need to feel beautiful?
Do i need to feel beautiful to be alive?
I can live and not feel beautiful. Its alright, and im basically used to it anyway, so.
So i can just stay unpretty, in MY OPINION, and keep feeling bad but it doesnt matter
Id rather feel bad, id rather feel ugly all the time, than try any of these things to make myself more beautiful
Yes i feel bad, yes i feel ugly
But id rather be ugly
Its alright to me
Im used to it