Aihe vapaa En tiiä saatana


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As I said, it’s highly unlikely that the person in question was completely unaware of his or her condition. But it is most certainly possible to be trans and force all those disturbing thoughts into a body bag, to be buried in the basement of the patient’s mind ASAP.

Ummmm. I had SMALL thoughts but quite rarely. I wasn't sure what i was. I can tell you about 2, 3, maybe 4 moments in my early life, and everything else was normal. And even then it was never pain, just confusion plainly. So if i had 4 or fewer gender confusion moments in my early life, again, never pain. Only confusion. How could that qualify as non-cis? Everything else was completely normal and i was a girl, or actually i was a girl but gender didn't play any role in my life at all.

So don't even tell me I was trans. Ive never been trans.

Or is it just denial?


Official pappojen kuolaaja
I almost felt agender, but still a girl. My gender didn't bother me at all, it almost didn't exist to me. I was a girl and everything was fine. It didn't bother me at all. But i just didn't feel anything. But i was a girl cause of my body and that was all. I had no problem whatsoever.

So sounds pretty cis huh? No problem, at all, none whatsoever.

Now? Kill me. 24/7 i want someone to kill me. Maybe not literally though. But it hurts all the time and all i want is to heal, because i can't live with this constant nagging in my mind and nausea.


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Do i want a hug from seo eunkwang? Yes. Would it heal me? Hopefully.......

Do I want to be safe in his arms? Yes........ That would be the only thing that helps.. maybe..


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Lol ajattelin että jotkut merkit viittaa siihen että oon trans mut sit oon tajunnu ettei ne sitä meinaa vaan tykkään joskus käyttää miesten vaatteita ja etc. Ja ajattelin sukupuolta liian syvällisesti. Olin sillee "jos oon tyttö niin mitä se MERKITSEE" kunnes tajusin ettei se merkitse mitään muuta kuin että oon tyttö eikä mitään muuta. Et vinkkinä ei kannata kyl koskaa ajatella sitä sukupuolta syvällisesti. Se vie suohon vaan eikä mitään muuta :D
Siis ilmeisesti 5.11.2023 oon ollu ihan fine ja normaali. En muista tuolloin olleen taas mitään kriisiä. What the fuck mitä nää on et välil on täysin tyyntä ja joskus oot viikkoja sellases hälytystilassa kun tulee kauhee flare up


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Eipä mulla mitään inhoa näyttänyt tossa kohtaa olevan

nyt on.

Ja joo, 2020 ja 2021 oli myös. Joten sit se meni pois ja tuli takas ja meni pois ja tuli takas. Mutta tänä vuonna se on ollu pahinta mitä oon ikinä kokenut. Koskaan aiemmin se ei oo ollu näin paha. TAI 2023 saatto olla jossain vaiheessa. Muistelisin et oisin puhunu top surgeryst vai oliko se vain 2024.

Kuitenkin. Ainoastaan mahdollisesti 2023 ja 2024. Kaikki muut vuodet on ollu ihan ok tossa. Ei mitään näin kauheaa.


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Mitä yksinkertaisemmin sen ajattelee sen helpompaa on elää ja tajuta se että on oikeastikin vain naispuolinen ja se siitä. Onneksi pääsin siitä eteenpäin.
No olen olen mutta en tiedä miten kestän. En kuvittele olevani mitään muuta. En vain tunne olevani ihminen tässä ällöttävässä sukupuolessa. En vihaa mitään itsessäni yhtä paljon kun sukupuolta. Kiitti.


Official pappojen kuolaaja
Haluun heti pois täältä mut eeeei ei????? Ei tietenkään. Ei voi kuolla.

Enkä ajatellutkaan mutta en koskaan enää nouse tästä silti


Official pappojen kuolaaja
This is actually very normal. Many people suffer with some form of gender dysphoria for a little while and then go into disistance, as if they were never gender dysphoric in the first place. This is why it’s a good idea to not rush into transitioning and instead, talking it out first, because over time, you may feel you don’t feel the same way.

It may come back, it may not. I can only speak to personal experience as mine comes back sometimes when depression hits me a certain way, and may linger for a couple days after the initial trigger, but always goes right back away. This could easily be different from person to person though."


"I’ve never heard of a case where it just went away. An individual may learn to cope with their gender disphoria, they may transition or they may kill themselves."

Do i just have to accept im apparently trans cause everyone says so? I definitely didn't think i was tbh.

"It can. It’s quite rare, but our brains aren’t just a static lump of flesh - it changes throughout our lives. Now, the neural structures associated with our sexual traits don’t tend to change a lot throughout our lives - but just because it’s uncommon doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen.

That said, there’s a much more common reason why gender dysphoria would appear to disappear without actually going away - and that’s because our brains are exceptionally good at blocking out things that are painful for us - and gender dysphoria is a HELL of a painful thing to deal with. This doesn’t mean that your dysphoria has gone away - it’s still there eating away at your mental health, you’re just not consciously aware of it during that time. Often, this means that the next time you’re aware of your dysphoria is when it’s driving crippling depression or some other major mental health issue. So, even though it might go away, you definitely don’t want to count on that. Get in touch with a qualified therapist, and work through this. Even if you’re not transgender, having someone to help you work through the issues you’re experiencing will help you out a LOT, and is something I wish we saw as being as expected as going to the doctor every year."

So.... What? Okay so um... What are you talking about? So i might or might not be trans? Anyway.

Of course, koko viime yön silloin kun olin unen rajamailla välillä niin olin ahdistunut koska tiesin etten saa mun sukupuolta mitenkään pois ja halusin sen pois heti..... Olin unenpöpperössä vaan ajattelin silleen "..... Miten tyttöyden saa pois" ja sit varmaan taas nukahdin. Siis en varmaan noilla sanoilla mut perus idea oli ton tyyppinen koska muistan mitä kärsimystä tunsin siinä herätessä ja tiesin koko ajan etten voi tehdä yhtään mitään. Se oli pelottava tunne. Tai tosi tuskallinen ja järjetön häpeä yhä. En vieläkään pysty toimimaan, oli pakko tulla omaan huoneeseen sen jälkeen kun heitin siteen roskiin koska tulin niin kuormittuneeks niistä tunteista ja häpeästä siis.


Official pappojen kuolaaja
But even if i was trans, for example agender.

I understand, agender MIGHT be a thing, or it may not

But even if i was trans, so for example agender. Even if it was true.

Then whats the point?

Imagine i was with eunkwang for example and i was like yep im agender, or im genderless. He might totally respect it and try his best to acknowledge that im actually genderless, not a girl, he might be the best ally ever and all that. What would it matter though? He could be the sweetest baby but still, what does it matter? It doesn't make it a fact though. My body will always be a girls body so its like basically lying. Its not a genderless body. Its a female body. Joten on täysin moo point identifioitua sukupuolettomaks. Se ei muuta mitään??

Oho taas frendit reference 😂😂😂😂😂

Mut basically it would be delusion. Ei se auttais mua ollenkaan. Mieti jos oliskin niin että seurustelisin eunkwangin kaa sit se ois täysin silleen kohtelis mua sukupuolettomana eikä sanois mua kertaakaan tytöks. Nii mitäköhän se auttaa? I would still have periods. I would still have a vulva. I would still have breasts. I would still have a female shape. Literally nothing would change. Ja on niin naurettavaa teeskennellä ettei oo tyttö kun on selvä tytön keho. Silleen imagine jos sanoisin jotain että "ouch my boobs hurt right now" niin???????? That's literally talking about yourself as a girl? Its the same thing. Its a female trait. Niin se vaan on se on vaan fakta. You can't be genderless and have breasts. You can be intersex and have breasts, but intersex is basically just part female part male. You're both. But you can't be genderless. You can't just erase your sex which is a fact. Joten olis 100 prosenttia hyödytöntä identifioitua sukupuolettomaks. On sama asia olla vaan nainen. Except that i just have gender dysphoria.


"You're not a girl, you just have all the female traits! But of course you're not a female!"

Keep being delusional


Official pappojen kuolaaja
But it would be so delusional calling yourself genderless


"I dont have a gender"

Lmao everyone has a gender/sex, male, female or intersex. No one is completely genderless, please.

Im not genderless/agender, but yes, im a female with crippling gender dysphoria.
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